Our mission is
1. To bring together queer youth and straight allies.
to fight homophobia to on campus and in the community. By raising awareness of different sexual and gender identities, linking
homophobia with other oppressions, and advocating for queal treatment for youth of all sexual orientations, our GSA will create
a school enviroment free of homophobic sexual, vervbal and physical harassment.
2.To bring together students of different sexual
and gender identites together to meet new people, hang out, eat food, and have fun. WE will coordinate outings, dances, movie
nights, and other activites. Through acceptance at all our activites we will reduce isolation and depressiong.
3.Allow all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, questioning and straight youth to come
and talk about any issues concerning them. Listening is our main objective and member can bring up personal issues they are
facing. By using one on one or group discussion, we hope to create a safe place to offer support, resources, and alternative
outlets for emotion.